Find Your Spiritual Path.
Rabbi Dr. Joshua Golding's book serves as both an extended commentary on Jewish prayer and an intellectually rigorous spiritual self-help book. The Jewish Spiritual Path combines a theoretical presentation of Kabbalistic concepts with practical guidance rooted in prayer to cultivate a deep spirituality based on the moral and mystical teachings of Judaism.
While it is one thing to read a book, it is another to truly internalize it. This site aims to provide supplementary learning materials, including guided meditations, to help fuel your spiritual path.

Urim Publications, 2018

“I am impressed with the clear and fine way in which the book explains the deepest concepts of Kabbalah. The book contributes to the strengthening of faith, and to the understanding of the ways in which the Holy One Blessed be He conducts the affairs of the world. Most importantly, this book contributes toward a deep understanding of the meaning of the prayers.”
–Rabbi Yechiel Barlev, author of numerous Kabbalistic works
Guided Meditations
The guided meditations here correspond to the meditations found in the appendix of The Jewish Spiritual Path, and are intended to help you achieve a closer connection with Hashem.
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About the Author

Joshua Golding is a Professor of Philosophy specializing in Philosophy of Religion and Jewish Philosophy at Bellarmine University in Louisville, Kentucky. He has held research positions at the Hebrew University, University of Haifa, and the University of Notre Dame and is the author of The Conversation and Rationality and Religious Theism.
Dr. Golding has published articles in Religious Studies, Faith and Philosophy, Modern Schoolman, Tradition, and Torah U-Maddah Journal, as well as a number of book reviews and encyclopedia entries.
He has semicha from Yeshivat Sulam Yaakov, in Jerusalem, Israel. He also served as spiritual leader of Congregation Anshei Sfard, in Louisville, Kentucky.
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